There are many reasons behind automating your prospecting processes if you are building your Multi-level Marketing downline online. Much of these should be obvious, but this should show why developing a Multi-level Marketing business using the web may be favourable, even if your sponsor is telling you to stick with the traditional methods!
I am confident it will come as no shock that it is not possible to automate your processes if you choose the old-school strategies for MLM, as your personal involvement is required with each lead that you speak with. That said, it is still better to implement a definite process that you follow with every lead.
There are two of very good reasons for this reaction. Firstly, a proportion of the names on your names list might be content with what they already have, or will not be willing to give up the time and effort to succeed. Second, some names on your list might feel the need to discourage your passion for success so that they dont feel inadequate! Not all of them will do this intentionally, but it human instinct to mix with individuals that are the same as you, so your desire to progress and excel might make people around you feel uncomfortable.
Developing your organisation in this way frees up your time, so that you are able to focus on communicating with your most intrigued prospects. You will have already offered value to all of your prospects using your auto-responder emails and, invariably, many of these leads will wish to contact you to learn more about what you can share.
Through trial and error I have concluded that it is usually better to lead with information about the MLM industry, rather than your company. Once your contacts are comfortable with Multi Level Marketing then you can offer to show them details on your company and business. The last thing you want to cause is to isolate friends who feel uncomfortable with your persistence.
The necessary job that will take up some of your time is web promotion of your squeeze page. As the extent of your promotion determines how many leads you have entering your pipeline, it must be something that you focus on, throughout your time as an Internet Network Marketer! There are a number of ways to generate traffic for your site, from classified ads to search engine optimisation, so develop your automated process and spend your time productively by education yourself on how to generate traffic on the internet.
I am confident it will come as no shock that it is not possible to automate your processes if you choose the old-school strategies for MLM, as your personal involvement is required with each lead that you speak with. That said, it is still better to implement a definite process that you follow with every lead.
There are two of very good reasons for this reaction. Firstly, a proportion of the names on your names list might be content with what they already have, or will not be willing to give up the time and effort to succeed. Second, some names on your list might feel the need to discourage your passion for success so that they dont feel inadequate! Not all of them will do this intentionally, but it human instinct to mix with individuals that are the same as you, so your desire to progress and excel might make people around you feel uncomfortable.
Developing your organisation in this way frees up your time, so that you are able to focus on communicating with your most intrigued prospects. You will have already offered value to all of your prospects using your auto-responder emails and, invariably, many of these leads will wish to contact you to learn more about what you can share.
Through trial and error I have concluded that it is usually better to lead with information about the MLM industry, rather than your company. Once your contacts are comfortable with Multi Level Marketing then you can offer to show them details on your company and business. The last thing you want to cause is to isolate friends who feel uncomfortable with your persistence.
The necessary job that will take up some of your time is web promotion of your squeeze page. As the extent of your promotion determines how many leads you have entering your pipeline, it must be something that you focus on, throughout your time as an Internet Network Marketer! There are a number of ways to generate traffic for your site, from classified ads to search engine optimisation, so develop your automated process and spend your time productively by education yourself on how to generate traffic on the internet.
About the Author:
Start your own Usana home business by partnering with Andrew Smith. Find out how about below: Network Marketing Opportunities
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